Kindred Spirits Quilt


Anne Of Green Gables has a special place in a lot of our hearts, I believe it was one of the first movies I watched as a girl and the first that I watched over and over and played out the scenes with my sister and our friends when we were a bit older. Later came the Avonlea show and my mom reading the rest of the series to us. I think it’s safe to say that an Anne fabric line would be a must have for a girl like me especially when it includes the perfect shades of green.

IMG_1573 Jill Howarth is an illustrator of all things sweetly adorable and has been designing fabrics with Riley Blake since 2017. For this line I wanted a block that would show off her illustrations as the focal point so the economy block was a perfect fit. I added some solid pink cotton and a leftover blush Linen for the background and hoped it wouldn’t be too much pink.


In the end I added several solid blocks of the soft pink fabrics to give the eye a place to rest as well as the bright pink blocks to add a pop of color. These solid blocks add another design to the pattern as well but are placed randomly.


It’s an eye spy quilt of Anne and friends! I added simple quilting in a pale pink (2410) Aurifil thread to frame each center block. The backing had to be a green with white dots and it goes so sweetly with all that pink.


Green Gables set in a field of flowers, wouldn’t these fabrics make the sweetest Summer dresses for girls?


Anne and Diana, the original Kindred Spirits! I think this one is them meeting in secret to trade locks of hair or perhaps on a slow walk home from school, stopping to pick flowers along the way.


And then there are the classic Anne quotes, sweet in childhood and still ringing true decades later.


My blocks are 6 inches each finishing this quilt at the perfect child size of 42×54, great for keeping handy to snuggle under with a favorite copy of Anne of Green Gables.


Now I just need to decide which of my many nieces would most love this quilt, after all the joy is in the making AND gifting.


Be sure to follow Riley Blake and Jill Howarth on Instagram for more beautiful fabrics! I am excited to be working with her next line as well, stay tuned!



5 Responses to “Kindred Spirits Quilt”

  1. Michelle H Says:

    I adore every L.M.Montgomery story…I collect the books, watch the dvd’s over and over and even spent a small fortune on Road to Avonlea (Canadian L.M show, if you have never seen it …then you must! It’s wonderful) dvd’s and children’s book for my Grandaughter in the hopes she would fall in love with the stories as much as I.

    Now I am going to have to make her an Anne quilt!! So pretty and I love the way you put it together 💕

  2. Kindred Spirits – Economy Block Quilt – Riley Blake Designs Says:

    […] stop on the Kindred Spirits Project Tour takes us to SARANA AVE., where Faith is sharing this charming Economy Block quilt featuring fabrics from Jill […]

  3. Rosemaryflower Says:

    This quilt turned out absolutely sweet. I love it. Thank you so much for the inspiration!!

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